I love the smell of a new book. I get a special little thrill at starting a fresh journal. I even love opening a new Word document. Okay, admittedly, I’m an easily amused nerd. But I truly think there’s something more to this nerdy love of mine. I think deep in my heart, what I really love is the idea of a clean slate…a new start…another chance. I don’t just love it, I desperately need it. Don’t we all? I blow it so many times a day, every day. And this is only counting what I do openly. If you add my thought life into the mix, I’m one hot mess! Have you ever had the heart-stopping nightmare that all of your deepest thoughts were being projected on the front screen at church? On a packed Sunday? The music suddenly stops. You can hear a pin drop, and then ushers rush you from all corners of the room to immediately escort you out of the sanctuary…for good. You have finally been exposed for the creep that you are. Well, I’ve had that nightmare…and I’m glad it’s just that. I’m glad my Heavenly Father isn’t that kind of Dad – one who delights in taking the lid off all our “stuff.” No. Our Dad’s love covers.
Lamentations 3:22-23 tells us this: Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed (or thrown out of church), because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.
God’s mercies are new every morning! New…like a fresh journal…a new Word document…this new blog of mine. New.
And His compassions don’t fail. Compassions in the Hebrew refers to the kind of feelings a mother would have toward her infant baby…almost a pitying and very tender kind of love. It’s like God is saying, “Bless her little messed up self.” He adores me every morning no matter what.
I love that. Don’t you love that?